29.9.2020 09:37:07 CEST | Mdundo.com A/S |
Offentliggørelse af årsrapport
Bestyrelsen i Mdundo.com A/S har godkendt selskabets første årsrapport gældende for perioden 10. april – 30. juni 2020, og fremlægger samtidig proforma tal for koncernen for perioden 1. juli 2019 – 30. juni 2020.
Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 3-2020
Bruger- og musikvækst:
Ved afslutning af regnskabsåret den 30/6 2020 havde koncernen ca. 5 mio. unikke brugere per måned, hvilket var en stigning på 172% siden 1/7 2019.
Mdundo havde ved afslutning af regnskabsåret 1,4 mio. internationale musiknumre samt +200.000 musiknumre (47% vækst fra 2019 til 2020) uploadet fra +80.000 afrikanske kunstnere til Mdundo.com.
Stærke proformatal:
Som forberedelse til børsnoteringen på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark overtog Mdundo.com A/S (stiftet d. 10. april 2020) alle aktierne i Mdundo Ltd (selskabets operationelle datterselskab i Kenya) samt alle øvrige aktiver i Mdundo.com Ltd (koncernens tidligere moderselskab) pr. 29. april 2020. Dette betyder, at de finansielle resultater præsenteret i denne årsrapport kun indeholder datterselskabets finansielle resultater for perioden, hvor Mdundo Ltd var ejet af Mdundo.com A/S (29. april til 30. juni 2020), og dermed ikke et retvisende billede for koncernens samlede performance i perioden 1. juli 2019 til 30. juni 2020.
Såfremt disse selskabers finansielle resultater inkluderes opnås en proforma omsætning for regnskabsåret på DKK 1,7 mio. og et EBITDA på DKK -2,1 mio. Omsætningen er ca. DKK 100.000 lavere end forventet, hvilket hovedsageligt skyldes en svækket Kenyansk Shilling, mens EBITDA var DKK 100.000 bedre end forventet.
Indtægterne fra reklame er det seneste år øget med 234% efter implementering af en ny og succesrig kommerciel strategi.
Begivenheder efter afslutning af regnskabsåret:
Med udgangspunkt i en stærk brugerbase, content-offering og stigende indtægtsmuligheder anmodede Mdundo.com A/S d. 17. august 2020 om optagelse til handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark og efter et succesfuldt udbud af nye aktier – som var overtegnet med 111% – blev Mdundo.com A/S optaget til handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark med første handelsdag d. 4. september 2020 efter udstedelse 4 mio. nye aktier, hvilket gav Selskabet DKK 40 mio. i brutto-provenu.
Mdundo har tidligere meddelt, at antallet af månedlige aktive brugere forventes at stige med ca. 70-80% til 8,5-9,0 mio. i 2021 og stiger yderligere med ca. 100% til niveauet 18 mio. i 2022. Denne forventning gentages.
Selskabets forventninger til omsætning og EBITDA for regnskabsåret 2020/21 fastholdes på tidligere udmeldte niveau.
I forbindelse med anmodning om optagelse til handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Denmark og udarbejdelse af virksomhedsbeskrivelsen forventede Mdundo inden udgangen af 2020 at have implementeret det første partnerskab med et teleselskab. Denne forventning fastholdes.
Jesper Vesten Drescher, Bestyrelsesformand/Chairman of the board, +4523229900, ir@mdundo.com
Martin Nielsen, CEO, +254 708 911 840, martin@mdundo.com
Om Mdundo.com A/S
Mdundo er en ledende musiktjeneste i Afrika med millioner af brugere som streamer og downloader via vores hjemmeside og app hver eneste måned. Vores ambition er at give Afrikas millioner af internetabonnementer nem adgang til musik samt bidrage til struktur, legalitet og omsætning til musikindustrien. Mere: https://mdundo.com/
Mdundo er noteret på Nasdaq First North med tickerkoden “MDUNDO”
Mdundo.com A/SJagtvænget 22920 Charlottenlundwww.mdundo.com
Certified Adviser Kapital Partner ApSJernbanegade 41608 København V+45 89 88 78 46www.kaptalpartner.dk
Download selskabsmeddelelse.pdf
Annual Report 2020 – Mdundo.com AS.pdf
29.9.2020 09:37:07 CEST | Mdundo.com A/S |
Annual report
The Board of Directors of Mdundo.com A/S has approved the company’s first annual report for the period 10th April – 30th June 2020 and are presenting the pro forma numbers for the Group for the period 1st July 2019 – 30th June 2020.
Company Announcement Number 3-2020
Users and catalogue growth:
At the end of the financial year on 30th June 2020, the Group had around 5m unique users per month, up 172% since 1st July 2019.
Mdundo had 1.4m international music tracks at the end of the financial year in addition to over 200,000 tracks uploaded directly by more than 80,000 African musicians to Mdundo.com (up 47% from 2019 to 2020).
Strong pro forma numbers:
In preparation for the stock exchange listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark, Mdundo.com A/S (incorporated 10th April 2020) overtook all shares in Mdundo ltd (the Group’s operational subsidiary in Kenya) as well as all other assets in Mdundo.com ltd (the Group’s prior parent company) as of 29th April 2020. As a result, the financial information presented in this annual report will only include results for the period where Mdundo ltd was owned by Mdundo.com A/S (29th April to 30th June 2020), and this does therefore not represent the full picture of the Group’s total financial performance in the period 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020.
If the total financial performance for the financial year were to be included, the pro forma revenue for the financial year would be DKK 1.7m and an EBITDA of -2.1m. The revenue is approximately DKK 100,000 lower than expected, primarily caused by a weak Kenyan Shilling, while EBITDA was DKK 100,000 better than expected.
The revenue from advertisement has increased 234% in the past year as a result of the implementation of a new and successful commercial strategy.
Events after the end of the financial year:
On the foundation of a strong user base, content offering and increasing revenue potential, Mdundo applied for admission to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark and after a successful subscription period – oversubscribed by 111% – Mdundo.com A/S was listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark, with 4th September 2020 as the first day of trading. The company issued 4m new shares providing the company with DKK 40m in gross proceeds.
Mdundo has already announced that monthly active users are expected to grow by 70-80% to eight and a half to nine million in 2021 with an additional growth of around 100% towards 2022, reaching 18m. This is still the expectation.
The Company’s financial expectations, revenue and EBITDA, for the financial year 2020/21 are also unchanged.
Within the application for listing at Nasdaq First North Growth Denmark it was expected that Mdundo would have implemented the first partnership with a telecommunication company before the end of 2020. This expectation is unchanged.
Jesper Vesten Drescher, Bestyrelsesformand/Chairman of the board, +4523229900, ir@mdundo.com
Martin Nielsen, CEO, +254 708 911 840, martin@mdundo.com
About Mdundo.com A/S
Mdundo is a leading music service for Africa with millions of people streaming and downloading music from our app and website every month. We aim to provide Africa’s millions of internet users with easy access to music whilst contributing structure, legality, and income to the sector. More info: https://mdundo.com/
Mdundo.com A/SJagtvænget 22920 Charlottenlundwww.mdundo.com
Certified Adviser Kapital Partner ApSJernbanegade 41608 København V+45 89 88 78 46www.kaptalpartner.dk
Download announcement as PDF.pdf
Annual Report 2020 – Mdundo.com AS.pdf