
The latest company announcements from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland

Eagle Filters Group carries out a directed share issue of EUR 2.125 million

Eagle Filters Group Oyj Company announcement, inside information

7 September 2024, 10:30 (EEST)

Based on the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting of the Company on 30 May 2024, the Board of Directors of Eagle Filters Group Oyj (“Eagle Filters Group” or the “Company”) have on 6 September 2024 resolved on a directed share issue of EUR 2 125 000 to a group of private investors (the “Share Issue”).

In the Share Issue, 33 203 125 new shares (the “Offer Shares”) were offered. The subscription price in the Share Issue was set at EUR 0.064 per Offer Share and amounts to a total of EUR 2 125 000. The subscription price equals a discount of 10% to the closing price of the Company's share on First North Growth Market Finland on 6 September 2024. The entire subscription price of the Offer Shares will be recorded in the Company's reserve for invested unrestricted equity. The reasons for the deviation from the shareholders’ preemptive rights was to raise capital in a time and cost-effective manner.

The Offer Shares represent approximately 16.3% of the outstanding shares and votes in the Company after the Share Issue. Following the Share Issue, the number of issued and outstanding shares of the Company will be 204 072 406.


Board of Directors

For more information:Jarkko Joki-Tokola, CEO, Eagle Filters Group Oyj.

Eagle Filters Group Oyj discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”). The information was submitted for publication by the aforementioned person on 7 September 2024 at 10:30 (EEST).

About Eagle Filters Group Oyj

Eagle Filters Group is a material science company that aims to enable a green and healthy environment.

Eagle provides high performance filtration solutions that cut CO2 emissions and increase profitability of the energy industry. Eagle’s technology improves performance and energy efficiency while cutting costs. The technology is being used by some of the world’s largest energy utilities.

The company group is listed on First North Growth Market Finland under the ticker EAGLE. The Company’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ). 

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Positiivinen tulosvaroitus, sisäpiiritieto: Asuntosalkku Oyj nostaa tilikauden 1.10.2023–30.9.2024 ohjeistustaan liikevaihdosta

Asuntosalkku Oyj – Yhtiötiedote – Sisäpiiritieto

6.9.2024 klo 16.45

Positiivinen tulosvaroitus, sisäpiiritieto: Asuntosalkku Oyj nostaa tilikauden 1.10.2023–30.9.2024 ohjeistustaan liikevaihdosta

Asuntosalkku nostaa tilikauden 1.10.2023–30.9.2024 ohjeistustaan ja arvioi 30.9.2024 päättyvän tilikauden liikevaihdon olevan 19,5–20,5 miljoonaa euroa (aiemmin 17,5–20,0 miljoonaa euroa). Ohjeistus tilikauden realisoituneesta voitosta säilyy ennallaan.

Ohjeistuksen päivityksen perusteet

Asuntosalkku on myynyt kuluvalla tilikaudella asuntoja Tallinnan portfolion jalostustoiminnan yhteydessä ennakoitua enemmän ja ennakoitua suuremmilla myyntivoitoilla.

Uusi taloudellinen ohjeistus

Yhtiö arvioi konsernin liikevaihdon olevan 19,5–20,5 miljoonaa euroa 30.9.2024 päättyvällä tilikaudella. Yhtiö ei tee ennustetta realisoitumattomasta voitosta/tappiosta sijoituskiinteistöjen arvostamisesta käypään arvoon. Yhtiö arvioi 30.9.2024 päättyvän tilikauden realisoituneen voiton olevan 0,3–1,0 miljoonaa euroa.

Aiempi taloudellinen ohjeistus

Yhtiö arvioi konsernin liikevaihdon olevan 17,5–20,0 miljoonaa euroa 30.9.2024 päättyvällä tilikaudella. Yhtiö ei tee ennustetta realisoitumattomasta voitosta/tappiosta sijoituskiinteistöjen arvostamisesta käypään arvoon. Yhtiö arvioi 30.9.2024 päättyvän tilikauden realisoituneen voiton olevan 0,3–1,0 miljoonaa euroa.



Asuntosalkku Oyj

Jaakko SinnemaatoimitusjohtajaPuh. +358 41 528 0329


Hyväksytty neuvonantajaAktia Alexander Corporate Finance Oy

Puh. +358 50 520 4098


Asuntosalkku Oyj

Asuntosalkku on vaihtoehto suoralle asuntosijoittamiselle. Asuntosalkku on Viron suurin markkinaehtoinen vuokranantaja ja Tallinnan vuokramarkkinoiden edelläkävijä. Se on vuokraustoimintaa harjoittava asuntosijoitusyhtiö, jonka sijoitusstrategian keskiössä ovat valikoidut yksittäiset asunnot omistusasuntotaloissa hyvillä sijainneilla Suomessa ja Viron pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Asuntosalkku keskittyy asuntoportfoliossaan pieniin asuntoihin painottaen Suomessa pääkaupunkiseutua ja Virossa Tallinnan vanhan kaupungin läheisyyttä. 31.3.2024 Asuntosalkku omisti 1 413 valmista asuntoa Suomessa, ja näiden yhteenlaskettu käypä arvo oli 160,1 miljoonaa euroa. 31.1.2024 Asuntosalkku omisti 662 valmista asuntoa Tallinnassa, ja näiden yhteenlaskettu käypä arvo oli 107,7 miljoonaa euroa. Asuntosalkun taloudellinen vuokrausaste 30.6.2024 oli 97,1 prosenttia. Asuntosalkun perustajat ovat Jaakko Sinnemaa ja Timo Metsola. He ovat yhtiöidensä kautta myös Asuntosalkun keskeisiä omistajia.

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Nordic Unmanned – New share capital registered in connection with completion of financial restructuring

Reference is made to earlier stock exchange announcements by Nordic Unmanned ASA (the "Company") (ticker: NUMND) regarding the financial restructuring originally announced on 14 May 2024, including the last update provided in connection with the release of the Company's Q2 report on 30 August 2024.

In connection with completion of the financial restructuring, the Company has now registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises the completion of the share capital decrease resolved by the Company's extraordinary general meeting on 11 June 2024 as well as the share capital increases related to the NOK 23.5 million private placement, the NOK 23.5 million subsequent offering and the EUR 5,172,414 bank debt conversion, all approved by the same extraordinary general meeting.

The Company's new share capital is NOK 17,336,312.94 divided into 1,733,631,294 shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.01.

The reverse share split approved by the Company's Annual General Meeting on 28 June 2024 will take effect at a later date as determined by the Board of Directors, and separate announcements will be made at such time.



* Stig H. Christiansen, CEO, Nordic Unmanned ASA, +47 478 07 813,

 * Tarjei Lode, CFO, Nordic Unmanned ASA, +47 469 37 008,



 This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Disclosure regulation

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

  • Tarjei Lode, CFO, Nordic Unmanned ASA, +47 46937008,
About Nordic Unmanned

Nordic Unmanned is a leading European manufacturer (OEM) and certified operator of unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS”). 

We are serving large corporations, government agencies and security customers by offering systems, solutions and flight services for environmentally friendly delivery of productivity improvements and time critical, actionable data insights and logistics services.

Our solutions and services are organized in the three business segments as follows: 

Flight Services: is a technology-agnostic flight services operator providing time-critical actionable data to large corporate and governmental customers. The segment also includes NUAer AS and Resale.AirRobot: is an Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) with a leading product platform in lightweight drones and sensors (payloads) tailored for defense and security.DroneMatrix: is an Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) offering a fully integrated and autonomous drone system with proprietary software for surveillance and security.

Nordic Unmanned is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified for the operation, maintenance, and sales of unmanned systems and sensor technology. AirRobot is ISO 9001:2015 and EN 9100:2018 certified for its development and production capabilities of unmanned systems.

Founded in Norway in 2014, Nordic Unmanned has offices in Sandnes (NO), Cranfield (UK), Hasselt (BE) and Arnsberg (GER).  Nordic Unmanned also comprise joint venture – Omni Unmanned SA with OHI Group SA (registered in Luxemburg) and joint venture – NUAer AS with Aeromon OY (registered in Norway).

For more information visit -


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Sunborn London Oyj - Written Resolution Approval

Sunborn London Oyj (the “Company”) has instructed the agent for the Company’s FRN Senior Secured EUR 25,500,000 Bonds 2021/2024 with ISIN NO0011099772 (the “Bonds”) to initiate a summons for a written resolution (the “Summons”) to request the bondholders (the “Bondholders”) to vote in favour of certain amendments to the terms and conditions of the Bonds, including an extension of the maturity (the “Amendment Proposal”). Today the Amendment Proposal was adopted according to the voting requirements of the Bond Terms and Nordic Trustee AS is authorised to take the necessary actions to implement the Proposal.

Sunborn London OyjBoard of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Hans Niemi, CEOTelephone: Finland +358 24454513Email:


This information is information that Sunborn (London) Oyj is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 14:15 CET on 6 September 2024.

About Sunborn London Oyj

Sunborn London is a part of Sunborn Group. Privately owned and over 50 years old group of companies headquartered in Finland focuses on development, management and ownership of high-quality hospitality property and business operations. Sunborn group has presence in seven countries with operations ranging real-estate, hotels and lodging, residential communities, yacht hotels, food service and catering among others.

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  • Sunborn (London) Oyj – Notice from Written Resolution.pdf

Vestjysk Bank A/S indgår låneaftale på 400 mio. kr. Senior Non-Preferred

Vestjysk Bank A/S indgår låneaftale på 400 mio. kr. Senior Non-Preferred med valør den 9. september 2024.

Lånet har en løbetid på fem år med mulighed for førtidig indfrielse efter fire år, forudsat Finanstilsynets forudgående tilladelse. Lånet forrentes med en variabel kvartårlig kuponrente på CIBOR3 plus et kreditspænd på 235 bps. I forbindelse med optagelsen af lånet indfries Senior Non-preferred på 140 mio. kr.

Låneaftalen er en del af den løbende proces med at optimere bankens kapitalstruktur.

Eventuelle henvendelser vedrørende denne selskabsmeddelelse bedes rettet til administrerende bankdirektør Peter Hupfeld på tlf. 96 63 21 53.


Vestjysk Bank A/SPeter HupfeldAdm. bankdirektørVestjysk Bank A/SIndustrivej Syd 13C7400 HerningTelefon 96 63 20 00 CVR-nr. 34 63 13 28

Om Vestjysk Bank A/S

Vestjysk Bank er blandt de 10 største banker i Danmark og har 25 filialer i Øst-, Midt- og Vestjylland. Banken har hovedsæde i Herning, beskæftiger ca. 630 medarbejdere og kan dateres tilbage til 1874.

Banken har ca. 180.000 kunder og tilbyder en bred vifte af finansielle ydelser, herunder opsparing, finansiering, kapitalforvaltning samt pension til både privat- og erhvervskunder.  Banken har fem nicheområder; Landbrug, Fiskeri, Vedvarende energi, Private Banking og Storkunder.

I Vestjysk Bank har vi en ambition om at være Danmarks stærkeste lokalbank. Vi engagerer os aktivt i de lokalsamfund, vi er en del af og har fokus på at skabe en tæt relation til kunderne gennem nærværende og personlig rådgivning. Det er vores udgangspunkt for at skabe mest mulig værdi for både kunderne og banken.

  • Download selskabsmeddelelse.pdf

Sisäpiiritieto: tulosvaroitus: Piippo Oyj:n liikevaihto tilikaudelta 2024 jää ennakoitua pienemmäksi

Alustavien lukujen mukaan Piippo Oyj:n tilikauden 2024 liikevaihto jää odotuksia matalammaksi. Yhtiö arvio tilikauden 2024 liikevaihdon olevan noin 13,0–13,5 miljoonaa euroa, kun se edellisellä tilikaudella oli 15,1 miljoonaa euroa ja aikaisemman ohjeistuksen mukaan liikevaihdon ja liiketuloksen oletettiin parantuvan vertailukaudesta. Aikaisemman arvion mukaisesti vertailukelpoisen liiketappion arvioidaan pienenevän edellisestä tilikaudesta.

Liikevaihtoa on laskenut yhtiön päätös lopettaa paalaus- ja kaapelilankatuotanto Outokummun tehtaalla. Neuvottelut alihankintaan siirtymisestä kansainvälisten kumppanien kanssa ovat vieneet odotettua enemmän aikaa, mutta strategia yhtiön kannattavuuden parantamiseksi etenee suunnitelman mukaisesti. Liikevaihtoa laskee lisäksi edellistä tilikautta matalammat myyntihinnat. Yhtiön arvion mukaan Venäjän markkinan sulkeutuminen ja kasvava tarjonta Euroopan markkinoille ovat lisänneet valmistuotteiden kilpailua ja tarjonnan painopistettä yhtiön muihin kohdemaihin aiheuttaen myyntihintojen laskua.

Yhtiön tilikauden 2024 tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus julkistetaan 12.12.2024.


  • Mikko Anttila, Toimitusjohtaja, Piippo Oyj, +358 50 521 4011,
  • Sisu Partners Oy, Juha Karttunen, Hyväksytty neuvonantaja, +358 40 555 4727
Tietoja julkaisijasta Piippo Oyj

Piippo Oyj:n ydinliiketoimintaa ovat paalausverkot ja -langat. Olemme kansainvälisesti alan yksi johtavista toimijoista. Yhtiön globaali jakeluverkosto kattaa jo yli 40 maata. Piippo Oyj:n osakkeet on listattu Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:n ylläpitämällä First North Growth Market Finland -markkinapaikalla.

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Lamor's interim CFO Vesa Leino will leave the company

Lamor Corporation Plc, Company announcement, 6 Sep 2024 at 08.00 a.m. EEST

Lamor's interim CFO Vesa Leino will leave the company

Interim CFO Vesa Leino will leave Lamor on 31 October 2024. Leino has served as the company’s interim CFO since 1 March 2024.

"I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Vesa and wish him every success in his future challenges," says Johan Grön, CEO of Lamor.

The recruitment process for a new permanent CFO is ongoing. The company will disclose more information later.

Further enquiries

Johan Grön, CEO, Lamor Corporation Plc+358 40 546

Lamor in brief

Lamor is one of the world’s leading providers of environmental solutions. For four decades, we have worked to clean up and prevent environmental incidents on land and at sea.

Environmental protection, soil remediation and material recycling: Our innovative technologies, services and tailored solutions, ranging from oil spill response, waste management and water treatment to soil remediation and plastic recycling, benefit customers and environments all over the world.

We are capable of vast and fast operations thanks to our connected ecosystem of local partners, steered by our experts. We have over 600 employees in more than 20 countries. In 2023, our turnover was 123 million euros.   Lamor's share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (ticker: LAMOR). Further information:

English, Finnish

Inside information, positive profit warning: S-Bank raises its outlook for the 2024

S-Bank PlcInside informationStock exchange release 6 Sep 2024 at 8.00 am

Inside information, positive profit warning: S-Bank raises its outlook for the 2024 

S-Bank Plc is raising its outlook for 2024. The company now estimates that its full-year operating profit will be almost at the same level as in the previous year. Previously, the company expected its full-year operating profit to decline by approximately a quarter from the previous year (EUR 147.4 million).

The raised outlook is based on S-Bank’s very strong financial performance during 2024 so far and the refined estimate for the development of net interest income in the latter half of the year. At the same time, S-Bank’s result in 2024 will be burdened by the costs related to the Handelsbanken transaction, and, despite some initial positive signs, the development of the operating environment still contains uncertainties.

S-Bank will further comment on its financial performance in connection with the publication of its January–September 2024 Interim Report on 7th November 2024.

Contact persons:Riikka Laine-Tolonen, CEOMika Heikkilä, CFO

  • S-Pankin viestintä, S-Bank Communications, +358 10 767 9300,
About S-Bank Plc

S-Bank is a Finnish bank and part of S Group. We exist to give everyone the possibility of a little more wealth. We have more than three million customers and we know their day-to-day life. We bring convenience and value to our customers through our easy-to-use digital services, for example. Being a full-service bank, we offer support to our customers every day and at the turning points in their lives.

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English, Finnish

Lamor's interim CFO Vesa Leino will leave the company

Lamor Corporation Plc, Stock exchange release, 6 Sep 2024 at 08.00 a.m. EEST

Lamor's interim CFO Vesa Leino will leave the company

Interim CFO Vesa Leino will leave Lamor on 31 October 2024. Leino has served as the company’s interim CFO since 1 March 2024.

"I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Vesa and wish him every success in his future challenges," says Johan Grön, CEO of Lamor.

The recruitment process for a new permanent CFO is ongoing. The company will disclose more information later.

Further enquiries

Johan Grön, CEO, Lamor Corporation Plc+358 40 546

Lamor in brief

Lamor is one of the world’s leading providers of environmental solutions. For four decades, we have worked to clean up and prevent environmental incidents on land and at sea.

Environmental protection, soil remediation and material recycling: Our innovative technologies, services and tailored solutions, ranging from oil spill response, waste management and water treatment to soil remediation and plastic recycling, benefit customers and environments all over the world.

We are capable of vast and fast operations thanks to our connected ecosystem of local partners, steered by our experts. We have over 600 employees in more than 20 countries. In 2023, our turnover was 123 million euros.   Lamor's share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (ticker: LAMOR). Further information:

English, Finnish

Magnora restarts its share buyback program

Magnora, a Norwegian renewable energy development company re-launches its share buyback program.

The Board of Magnora has today approved to restart the share buyback program. Transactions will be carried out by market purchases in accordance with the authorisation granted by the AGM on 23 April 2024. Buyback will be executed based on the market price on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The maximum consideration to be paid for shares acquired under the buyback program is NOK 35 per share and NOK 50 million in aggregate. The program will be terminated no later than 15 April 2025. Magnora may at any time without further notice close or suspend the program. Shares purchased under the program will be used to reduce the number of outstanding shares, for the issuing of compensation shares or other corporate purposes. The maximum number of shares purchased in any one day is limited to 50% of the average weighted daily volume of Magnora shares traded in the 20 trading days preceding the day of purchase.

Disclosure regulation

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

  • Erik Sneve, CEO, email: es at
About Magnora ASA

Magnora ASA (OSE: MGN) Magnora's portfolio of renewable companies consists of Kustvind AB, Magnora Offshore Wind AS, Magnora Solar PV UK, Hafslund Magnora Sol AS, Magnora South Africa, and AGV. Magnora also has a share in the future success of Helios Nordic Energy (Vinci Concessions), Evolar (First Solar), and Hermana Holding (design royalties). The company is listed on the main list on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker MGN.

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Larger municipality in Jutland expands with MARC Helbredstillæg.

Investor news no. 45/2024: Dataproces has on September 5th entered into an agreement on our SaaS solution MARC Helbredstillæg.

The agreement on MARC Helbredstillæg has been entered into with a larger municipality in Jutland. The municipality was already a customer of our MARC platform, but is now expanding the collaboration with Dataproces.  

MARC Helbredstillæg automates and supports the work involved in processing the health allowance. The solution automates the majority of invoice processing for both electronic and physical invoices, benefiting citizens, employees, and the municipality as a whole.

General information about agreement announcements as investor news:

All announced agreements are in accordance with Dataproces' strategic focus and do not change the announced guidance.

As the SaaS platforms MARS, MARC, REVIEW and KØS are central to the guided company strategy, each time a agreement is entered into with a new municipality, it is announced - as well as in the case of an agreement to extend delivery within one of the areas to an already existing customer, if the annual turnover from it is expected to exceed DKK 100,000.

Furthermore, it is announced when an agreement is entered into for the delivery of a DataAnalysis task where the expected fee is greater than DKK 250,000. Similarly, if agreements are entered into for delivery to a new customer in a new customer group, where the expected fee is greater than DKK 250,000.

Dataproces distinguishes in the announcements between 3 municipality size categories; the 50 smallest municipalities are called municipalities, the 38 middle ones are called larger municipalities and the 10 largest are called top-10 municipalities.

  • John Norden, Certified Advisor,
  • Michael Binderup, CEO, +45 41 91 20 07,
About Dataproces Group A/S

Dataproces is an innovative software and consulting house, specializing in AI supported solutions targeted at the Danish municipalities and their digital administration. The solutions range widely from robot technology and SaaS to data analyzes as well as collaboration and consulting. The starting point and purpose are always the same: to use data to create new knowledge, smarter processes and increased efficiency for the benefit of both citizens and municipalities.

Dataproces – we create value with data!

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Danish, English
Administerin logo

Administer Plc: The sale of shares in Kuntalaskenta Oy from the City of Pieksämäki has been completed

Administer Plc – Corporate action 5 September 2024 at 14 EEST

On 2 July 2024, Administer Plc informed the City of Pieksämäki that it had made a takeover bid for the shares of Kuntalaskenta Oy, which had been accepted by the Board of Directors of Administer Plc and the City Council of Pieksämäki. The requirements of closing the sale have been fulfilled and the transaction has been completed on 5 September 2024. In the transaction, 20 661 shares have been transferred from Administer Plc to the City of Pieksämäki.

As a result of the transaction, 40.1% of the shares in Kuntalaskenta were transferred to Administer Plc at a purchase price of EUR 120 000, of which EUR 50 000 was be paid in Administer Plc shares. Administer Plc's shareholding in Kuntalaskenta Oy is 90%. The remaining 10 % of the shares in Kuntalaskenta to be held by the City of Pieksämäki are to be redeemed at fair value after three years on the basis of a predetermined valuation principle.

Additional information:Kimmo HerranenCEO tel. +358 50 560

Certified advisor:Evli OyjTel: +358 40 579 6210

About Administer Oyj

Administer Group is a multi-talent in payroll and financial management services, software services, consulting, personnel and international services. We are the largest salary outsourcing partner in Finland and the leading expert in the fight against the grey economy. Our services are used by more than 5,000 customers, from SMEs to large companies, as well as municipalities and other public sector actors. Founded in 1985, the company is listed on the First North list of Nasdaq Helsinki.

Administer Group consists of payroll management service company Silta Oy, accounting company Administer, business service and employment expert Econia Oy and software company EmCe Solution Partner Oy. In addition, the Group includes other subsidiaries and  associated companies.

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English, Finnish
Digital Workforce favicon

Digital Workforce Services Plc - Managers' transactions - Sievilä

Digital Workforce Services Plc - Managers' transactions - Sievilä____________________________________________

Person subject to the notification requirementName: Sievilä, TuomoPosition: Other senior managerIssuer: Digital Workforce Services PlcLEI: 7437008HY6B4UCY0VO75

Notification type: INITIAL NOTIFICATIONReference number: 76479/4/4____________________________________________

Transaction date: 2024-09-03Venue: First North Growth Market Finland (FSME)Instrument type: SHAREISIN: FI4000513015Nature of the transaction: DISPOSAL

Transaction details(1): Volume: 220 Unit price: 3.84 EUR(2): Volume: 680 Unit Price: 3.84 EUR

Aggregated transactions(2): Volume: 900 Volume weighted average price: 3.84 EUR

Transaction date: 2024-09-04Venue: First North Growth Market Finland (FSME)Instrument type: SHAREISIN: FI4000513015Nature of the transaction: DISPOSAL

Transaction details(1): Volume: 690 Unit Price: 3.8 EUR(2): Volume: 10 Unit Price: 3.8 EUR(3): Volume: 71 Unit Price: 3.76 EUR(4): Volume: 429 Unit Price: 3.76 EUR

Aggregated transactions(4): Volume: 1200 Volume weighted average price: 3,78333 EUR

For further information, please contact:

Jussi Vasama, CEO, Digital Workforce Services Plc, Tel. +358 50 380 9893 

Certified advisor 

Aktia Alexander Corporate Finance Oy, Tel. +358 50 520 4098

About Digital Workforce Services Oyj

About Digital Workforce Services Plc

Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leading business process automation services and technology solution provider globally. Digital Workforce Outsmart services and technology solution suites allow organizations to save costs, accelerate digitalization, increase revenue, improve customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage. Globally, over 250 large customers use Digital Workforce’s services and technologies to transform their businesses with automation. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce currently employs over 200 business automation specialists in the US, UK & Ireland, and Northern and Central Europe. Digital Workforce is publicly listed in Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.

English, Finnish

Shareholder’s decision of VR-Group Plc 3 September 2024 – change in the composition of the Supervisory Board

VR-Group Plc, stock exchange release, 4 September 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EEST

Shareholder’s decision of VR-Group Plc 3 September 2024 – change in the composition of the Supervisory Board 

The State of Finland, the sole shareholder of VR-Group Plc, has by decision of 3 September 2024 appointed Martin Paasi (National Coalition Party), as a member of VR Group's Supervisory Board, replacing the previously appointed Aura Salla (National Coalition Party), who is leaving the Supervisory Board. The appointment is effective immediately.

VR Group's Supervisory Board will thus consist of the following members:  

Markku Eestilä (National Coalition Party) chairman, Vilhelm Junnila (Finns Party) deputy chairman, Martin Paasi (National Coalition Party), Teemu Kinnari (National Coalition Party), Kaisa Garedew (Finns Party), Arto Luukkanen (Finns Party), Niina Malm (Social Democratic Party), Lauri Lyly (Social Democratic Party), Juha Viitala (Social Democratic Party), Tuomas Kettunen (Centre Party), Hanna Holopainen (The Greens) and Anna Mäkipää (Left Alliance). 

VR-Group Plc 

More information:  

VR Group Media Deskcommunications@vr.fitel. +358 (0)29 434 7123

  • VR Mediadesk, +358 (0)29 434 7123,
About VR-Yhtymä Oyj

At VR, we promote the responsible transport of the future. We are a passenger, logistics and maintenance service company owned by the Finnish state, and we increase the popularity of carbon-neutral rail and city traffic. We ensure smooth daily travel in Finland and Sweden and act as a pillar of support for industry in Finland’s logistics. In 2023, our customers made a total of 15.1 million journeys on long-distance trains with us, and we transported 23.4 million tonnes of goods by rail. Our net sales amounted to EUR 1,224.1 million and we employed approximately 9,100 top professionals. Further information:

English, Finnish