23.8.2021 16:04:01 CEST | Digizuite A/S |
Investor Nyheder
Forrester Consulting rapport konkluderer, at Digizuite kunder opnår 185% ROI med DAM-løsning gennem øget produktivitet og sparet arbejdstid
Digizuite annoncerer i dag udgivelsen af sin Total Economic Impact ™ (TEI) undersøgelse, foretaget af Forrester Research. Efter en omfattende analyse af Digizuite som virksomhed og dens platform for Digital Asset Management (DAM) konkluderer Forresters TEI-rapport, at Digizuite-brugere opnår et ROI på 185% over en treårig periode.
”Vi har altid vidst, at Digizuite gav fantastiske resultater for vores kunder, men det er vidunderligt endelig at have konkrete tal, der understøtter Digizuites evne til at skabe en kraftfuld og problemfri omnichannel-oplevelse gennem digital content supply chain. Dette omfatter oprettelse, produktion, administration og distribution af indhold til alle kundens kontaktpunkter” udtaler Kim Wolters, CEO i Digizuite. “Vi håber, at denne rapport vil vise organisationer på tværs af alle brancher, hvor enkelt det er for dem at realisere deres forretningspotentiale ved at udnytte Digizuite DAM til at strømline deres content operationer.”
Digizuite bestilte Forrester Research til at udarbejde denne rapport for at give potentielle kunder en måde at drage mere endelige og præcise konklusioner om den potentielle ROI og værdi, som de kan opnå ved at bruge Digizuite. For at kunne producere den officielle rapport, ‘The Total Economic Impact ™ of Digizuite: Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Digizuite’, interviewede Forrester Research fire af Digizuites kunder om deres oplevelser med DAM-platformen – specifikt til fordele, omkostninger og risici ved deres Digizuite investering.
Ved en gennemgang af hver af de fire “business use cases” præsenterer Forrester kvantificerbare fordele, som Digizuites kunder har realiseret som følge af deres Digitale Asset Management-løsning.
For eksempel er en af de overordnede konklusioner i Forresters TEI-rapport, at hvor der bruges Digizuite, brugte Digital Marketing og Content Managers 90% mindre tid på at anmode om og søge efter digitale aktiver. Samtidig sparede sælgere 50% af den tid de tidligere havde brugt på at anmode om og søge efter marketingindhold og digitale aktiver. Forrester konverterede derefter denne sparede tid til dollarbeløb.
John Norden, Certified Adviser, Norden CEF ApS, +45 20 72 02 00, jn@nordencef.dk
Kim Wolters, CEO, +45 20 60 97 37, kw@digizuite.com
Oliver Bottelet, CFO, +45 61 69 66 52, ob@digizuite.com
Søren Skovbølling, Bestyrelsesformand, +45 25 31 07 20, ssk@digizuite.com
Om Digizuite A/S
Digizuite is a SaaS company in Digital Asset Management software (DAM) that brings together all digital content in one central platform.
Through automated workflows and agile integrations, Digizuite removes manual workflows and streamlines the entire content value chain.
Customers choose Digizuite to have control over who, where and how corporate materials are used. It ensures fire control, risk reduction and helps to increase efficiency and revenue.Digizuite is a global growth company and has realized 600% growth in ARR between 2017 and 2020. Today, the company has more than 50 employees between its headquarters in Denmark and its subsidiaries in the United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, and Ukraine.
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The total economic impact of Digizuite
23.8.2021 16:04:01 CEST | Digizuite A/S |
Investor News
Forrester Consulting report concludes that Digizuite customers achieve 185% ROI with DAM solution through productivity gains and working time saved
Digizuite today announces the release of its Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, conducted by Forrester Research. Following a comprehensive analysis of Digizuite as a company and its digital asset management (DAM) platform, Forrester’s TEI report concludes that Digizuite users achieve an ROI of 185% over a three-year period.
“We always knew that Digizuite yielded fantastic results for our customers, but it is wonderful to finally have concrete numbers that support Digizuite’s ability to create powerful and seamless omnichannel experiences through the digital content supply chain. This includes the creation, production, management, and distribution of content to all customer touchpoints.” Digizuite CEO Kim Wolters said. “We hope this report will show organizations across all industries how simple it is for them to realize their business potential by leveraging the Digizuite DAM to streamline their content operations.”
Digizuite commissioned Forrester Research to conduct this report to give prospective customers a way to draw more definitive, precise conclusions about the potential ROI and value they could achieve by leveraging Digizuite. To produce the official report, ‘The Total Economic Impact™ of Digizuite: Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Digizuite,’ Forrester Research interviewed four Digizuite customers about their experiences with the DAM platform – specifically, the benefits, costs, and risks of their Digizuite investment.
Through a breakdown of each of the four business use cases, Forrester presents quantifiable benefits that Digizuite customers have realized as a result of their digital asset management solution.
For example, one high-level conclusion of Forrester’s TEI report is that, once using Digizuite, digital marketing and content managers spent 90% less time requesting and searching for digital assets. At the same time, Digizuite saved field sales representatives 50% of the time that they had previously spent requesting and searching for marketing content and digital assets. Forrester then converted this saved time into dollar amounts.
Disclosure regulation
This announcement is a translation of the original Danish version. In case of discrepancies, the Danish version prevails.
John Norden, Certified Adviser, Norden CEF ApS, +45 20 72 02 00, jn@nordencef.dk
Kim Wolters, CEO, +45 20 60 97 37, kw@digizuite.com
Oliver Bottelet, CFO, +45 61 69 66 52, ob@digizuite.com
Søren Skovbølling, Chairman of the Board, +45 25 31 07 20, ssk@digizuite.com
About Digizuite A/S
Digizuite is a SaaS company in Digital Asset Management software (DAM) that brings together all digital content in one central platform.
Through automated workflows and agile integrations, Digizuite removes manual workflows and streamlines the entire content value chain.
Customers choose Digizuite to have control over who, where and how corporate materials are used. It ensures fire control, risk reduction and helps to increase efficiency and revenue.Digizuite is a global growth company and has realized 600% growth in ARR between 2017 and 2020. Today, the company has more than 50 employees between its headquarters in Denmark and its subsidiaries in the United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, and Ukraine.
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The total economic impact of Digizuite