6.7.2022 11:00:03 CEST | Astralis Group |
Investor Nyheder
Med Astralis som partner og den berømte argentinske fodboldspiller Sergio Aguero som medejer og visionær direktør, lancerer GoMate en ny linje af naturlige, plantebaserede energidrikke. Produktet, som får en speciel Astralis-version, vil være tilgængelig online i alle internationale nøglemarkeder.
GoMate er fremstillet og designet til at understøtte vedvarende ydeevne og fokus samt en sund ”power down” uden de intense energipeaks og -crashes, traditionelle energidrikke ofte medfører.
Guido Rosales, medstifter og administrerende direktør for Go Mate:
– Med Go Mate introducerer vi et bedre, naturligt, sundere energialternativ. Ved at bruge naturlige ingredienser og en blanding af antioxidanter og næringsstoffer i form af Yerba Mate, bringer Go Mates produkter god energi til alle, der ønsker at understøtte deres præstationer på en mere naturlig måde.
– Vi er glade for at arbejde sammen med Sergio Aguero, som i årevis har bevist, at han er på højeste niveau som fodboldspiller og nu driver sin egen gaming-organsation KRU, og Astralis, der er kendt som en international frontløber inden for esport. De bringer begge en masse erfaring og knowhow til bordet, som understøtter vores globale ambitioner.
– Astralis er de første på eliteplan, der bliver en bærende del af vores vækstplaner, hvor vi også vil arbejde med en bred vifte af talentfulde streamere og gamere. De vil alle være en del af vores bevægelse, der handler om at ændre brugen af energidrikke i gaming, siger Rosales.
Kasper Sindt, kommerciel direktør i Astralis:
– I Astralis søger vi altid at gøre tingene anderledes. Vi har professionaliseret forholdene for vores hold og spillere, og selvom vi altid arbejder på at på at forbedre vores resultater, har vi også stor fokus på at fremme de positive aspekter af gaming. Go Mate har samme mål, og vi er stolte af at indgå et kommercielt partnerskab af denne størrelse og type med en virksomhed som Go Mate.
– Go Mate vil ikke kun have eksponering på vores digitale kanaler og i kampagner, da vi senere på året også lancerer en Astralis-brandet produktlinje. Astralis-linjen og Go Mate vil være tilgængelig online på alle nøglemarkeder, og vi mener, at der er et enormt potentiale for produkter bygget og designet med Go Mates ambitioner og værdier, kommenterer Sindt.
Sergio Aguero, Chief Visionary Officer hos Go Mate og grundlægger af KRU Gaming:
– Esporten fortsætter med at vokse, og er det vigtigt, vi hjælper spillere med at trives. De klassiske energidrikke med store mængder koffein og taurin, gør det ikke. Vi vil skabe præcedens og produkter, hvor hjerneboostende drinks har evnen til både at give energi og ro, og Go Mates produkter gør netop det.- Vi er begejstrede for at arbejde med en partner som Astralis, der støtter vores ambition og har et stort engagement i branchen, fortæller Aguero.
Mens Go Mate Awake leverer vedvarende ydeevne, øget fokus og øget mental smidighed, giver Go Mate Relax spillere mulighed for at få en sund power-down, der hjælper dem med at genoplade, slappe af og genoprette balancen.
Produkterne lanceres globalt i dag og begge udgaver vil være tilgængelige online i nøglemarkeder inden længe, hvor digitale kampagner udrulles.
Jakob Hansen, CFO, +45 4186 4713, jhansen@astralis.gg
Steen Laursen, Director of Comms, +4561438922, steen@astralis.gg
Download selskabsmeddelelse.pdf
6.7.2022 11:00:03 CEST | Astralis Group |
Investor News
Launching all-natural, plant-based energy drink, available online in key markets, globally.
With famous footballer Sergio Aguero as investor and esports organization Astralis as partner, plant-based energy drink company Go Mate has launched a new line of all-natural energy drinks designed to support sustained performance and focus as well as a healthy power down without the intense peaks and crashes energy drinks often bring about.
Guido Rosales, Co-Founder & CEO of Go Mate:
– With Go Mate, we introduce a better, natural, healthier energy alternative. By using a brain-boosting blend of natural nootropics and an ancient infusion of antioxidants and nutrients in the form of Yerba Mate, we bring holistic good energy to those who want to up their game in a more natural way than traditional products.
– We are delighted to work alongside Sergio Aguero, who has for years proven himself on the highest at the highest level as a football player and managing his gaming club KRU, and the Astralis organization, an international front-runner in esports. They both bring a lot of experience to the table supporting our global ambitions.
– Astralis is the first of many teams and players in the competitive space to be a part of our growth plans, just like we will be nurturing a wide range of upcoming streamers and grassroots competitive gamers. They will all be a part of our movement to change the world of energy drinks in gaming, Rosales says.
Kasper Sindt, Commercial Director in Astralis:
– In Astralis we always seek to do things differently. We have professionalized esports and the view of players as professional athletes, and while we always strive to be the best version of ourselves, we always focus on the positive aspects of gaming. Go Mate shares this attitude, and we are proud to enter a partnership of this size and kind with a company like Go Mate.
– Go Mate will not only have exposure on our digital channels and in campaigns as we are also working towards launching an Astralis branded product line later in the year. Go Mate, including the Astralis Edition with our unique design, will be available online in most key markets, and we believe there is a huge potential for a product line built and designed by gamers and professionals with the ambition and values of Go Mate, Sindt comments.
Sergio Aguero, Chief Visionary Officer at Go Mate and founder of KRU Gaming Club:
– As competitive gaming continues to grow, it’s key that we help gamers to thrive, and energy drinks which contain high amounts of caffeine and taurine don’t do that. We want to set a precedent where brain-boosting drinks can both pep up and calm down gamers, and the use of nootropics means that we are perfectly positioned to do that. We are thrilled, that partners such as Astralis are supporting our ambition and commitment to the industry, Aguero comments.
While Go Mate Awake delivers sustained performance, increased focus, and heightened mental agility, Go Mate Relax gives gamers the opportunity to have a healthy power-down, helping them to recharge, unwind and rebalance. The Special Edition, which immortalises Sergio ‘Kun’ Agüero with a unique character and collectable can, can be pre-ordered already, while the Astralis Edition will be launched in early fall.
About Go Mate:
Founded in 2021 by Mr. Acromatic (a 15 yr old Gamer), Go Mate is a brand built for gamers, by gamers. A living, breathing feedback loop informing what works and what needs work. Go Mate believes that a healthy gamer is a happy gamer – which is why they create natural, healthy remedies to help digital athletes perform at their peak for longer.
Products are 100% natural and sugar-free Good Energy Drinks made from sustainably sourced Yerba Mate Tea, natural brain boosting plant extracts and fruit juices – delivering sustained energy, mental focus, balance, and refreshment.
Additionally, each can of Go Mate contains minimal caffeine and can be readily consumed by children and pregnant women (which most other energy drinks cannot legally claim)
Go Mate is also dedicated to sustainable change and has pledged to plant double what they take by 2023.
To find out more, visit https://gomatedrinks.com/
About Astralis:
Astralis is a globally leading esports organization with teams in League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six, Fortnite, and FIFA. We own and operate the gaming and entertainment center Astralis Nexus and hold rights in the premium leagues for League of Legends (LEC) and Counter-Strike (Pro League and BLAST). Astralis A/S is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen under the ASTRLS ticker. More on www.astralis.gg.
Jakob Hansen, CFO, +45 4186 4713, jhansen@astralis.gg
Steen Laursen, Director of Comms, +4561438922, steen@astralis.gg
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