26.8.2021 16:53:02 CEST | Alefarm Brewing |
Investor News
Alefarm Brewing A/S will deliver a range of fresh beers to the National Gallery of Denmark for the SMK Fridays event held in Copenhagen on August 27, 2021. The event is a celebration of female artists and creators on the art scene.
Investor News no. 11
Alefarm Brewing will deliver beers to SMK Fridays at the National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen
Alefarm Brewing A/S (“ALEFRM” or “the Company”) is a family-run craft brewery with a focus on brewing high-quality craft beer for consumers and distributors worldwide. Today, the Company is announcing that it will deliver beers to SMK Fridays for their grand exhibition event at the National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen.
August 27 is the date of the SMK Fridays event entitled After the Silence – Women of Art Speak Out. The event kicks off the major autumn exhibition of 2021 at the National Gallery of Denmark, an exhibition that gives the floor to some of art history’s prominent women artists. Taking the women’s liberation movement in the 1970s as the springboard, the focus is on how women have used art as an instrument of battle to create change in the world over the last hundred years.
Alefarm Brewing will be providing guests of the SMK Fridays event with fresh beers including newly released Kingold, a rustic pilsner, and Copenhagen Creamsicle, a pastry blonde ale. All cans feature beautiful artwork to complement the location and context. The event starts Friday, August 27 at 16:00 local time at the National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen and is expected to attract a large audience.
Kasper Tidemann, Founder and CEO, gives the following statement in this regard:
“At Alefarm Brewing, we are deeply inspired by both contemporary and historical art and culture as it has unfolded – and continues to unfold – in societies and cultures all over the world. We are proud to be given the opportunity to delivers beers to the SMK Fridays event and we hope to see as many people as possible join us for the acknowledgment and celebration of women in art and design.”
Additional information
For questions about SMK Fridays, the Founder and CEO of Alefarm Brewing, Kasper Tidemann, can be contacted via e-mail sent to kt@alefarm.dk. Appointed Certified Adviser of the Company is Norden CEF and John Norden, who can be contacted via e-mail sent to jn@nordencef.dk or by phone via +45 20720200.
Kasper Tidemann, Stifter og CEO, +45 3144 17 60, kt@alefarm.dk
About Alefarm Brewing
Alefarm Brewing is a family-run craft brewery that produces high-end craft beer for consumers worldwide. The brewery is located in Greve, Denmark and has a focus on modern hoppy offerings, a wide array of unique, flavorful farmhouse ales and full-bodied stouts that are rich in flavor and character.
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