Digizuite achieves record order intake in first half of 2021

9.7.2021 08:46:58 CEST | Digizuite A/S |
Investor Nyheder
Digizuite har investeret massivt i salgsorganisationen og kan nu gøre status efter første halvår. Flere nye kunder er blevet tilført i 2021 og med en stigning i den gennemsnitlige kontrakts værdi leveres den højeste tilgang i ARR (Årlig abonnementsomsætning) nogensinde for første halvår.
Digizuite gik på First North 7. maj i år og har haft travlt med at eksekvere strategiplanen, ved bl.a. i første halvår at ansætte 20 nye medarbejdere. En væsentlige del af investeringen i nye medarbejdere er gået til styrkelsen af salgsorganisationen.
Siden børsnoteringen har Digizuite annonceret 4 nye kunder, heraf 2 nye kunder i Nordamerika, vundet sammen med 2 nye Nordamerikanske partnere, og styrker dermed positionen på et vigtigt vækstmarked. Det er en vigtig del af strategien omkring skalering igennem stærke partnere. Derudover har selskabet annonceret øget fokus på LifeScience industrien, og har tilføjet 2 nye skandinaviske kunder indenfor denne industri siden børsnoteringen.
”Jeg er stolt af hvordan vores team har evnet at gennemføre en succesfuld IPO, ansætte og byde velkommen til mange nye medarbejdere på tværs af 10 tidszoner og budt velkommen til flere nye partnere og kunder på tværs af EU og Nordamerika, indenfor vores fokus-industrier, og dermed taget endnu at trin op ad vækststigen.”, udtaler Kim Wolters, CEO Digizuite
I forbindelse med Digizuite børsnoteringen tilbage i maj måned fremlagde ledelsen en forventning om, at 2021 blev præget af væsentlige investeringer i opbygningen af teamet og at det skulle accelerere væksten i selskabet til en ARR på DKK 32 – 35 mio. i 2021. Selskabet følger planen og der er ingen ændringer til selskabets guidance.

John Norden, Certified Adviser, Norden CEF ApS, +45 20 72 02 00, jn@nordencef.dk

Kim Wolters, CEO, +45 20 60 97 37, kw@digizuite.com

Oliver Bottelet, CFO, +45 61 69 66 52, ob@digizuite.com

Søren Skovbølling, Bestyrelsesformand, +45 25 31 07 20, ssk@digizuite.com

Om Digizuite A/S
Digizuite is a SaaS company in Digital Asset Management software (DAM) that brings together all digital content in one central platform.
Through automated workflows and agile integrations, Digizuite removes manual workflows and streamlines the entire content value chain.
Customers choose Digizuite to have control over who, where and how corporate materials are used. It ensures fire control, risk reduction and helps to increase efficiency and revenue.Digizuite is a global growth company and has realized 600% growth in ARR between 2017 and 2020. Today, the company has more than 50 employees between its headquarters in Denmark and its subsidiaries in the United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, and Ukraine.

Download selskabsmeddelelse.pdf

9.7.2021 08:46:58 CEST | Digizuite A/S |
Investor News
Digizuite has invested heavily in the sales organization and are now able to give a status on the first half year. Several new customers have been added in 2021 and with an increase in the average contract value, Digizuite achieve the highest addition Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) for the first half of a year.
Digizuite went on First North the 7th of May this year and has been busy executing the strategic plan, including hiring 20 new employees in the first half of the year. A significant part of the investment in new employees has gone to the strengthening of the sales organization.
Since the IPO, Digizuite has announced 4 new customers, including 2 new customers in North America, won along with 2 new North American partners, thus strengthening the position in an important growth market. It is an important part of the strategy of scaling through strong partners. In addition, the company has announced increased focus on the LifeScience industry and has added 2 new Scandinavian customers within this industry since the IPO.
“I am proud of how our team has managed to implement a successful IPO, hire and welcome many new employees across 10 time zones and welcomed more new partners and customers across the EU and North America, within our focus industries, and thus taken another step up the growth ladder,” says Kim Wolters , CEO Digizuite
In connection with the Digizuite IPO back in May, the management presented an expectation that 2021 was marked by significant investments in building the team and that it should accelerate the growth of the company to an ARR of DKK 32 – 35 million in 2021. The company follows the plan and there are no changes to the company’s guidance.
Disclosure regulation
This announcement is a translation of the original Danish version. In case of discrepancies, the Danish version prevails.

John Norden, Certified Adviser, Norden CEF ApS, +45 20 72 02 00, jn@nordencef.dk

Kim Wolters, CEO, +45 20 60 97 37, kw@digizuite.com

Oliver Bottelet, CFO, +45 61 69 66 52, ob@digizuite.com

Søren Skovbølling, Chairman of the Board, +45 25 31 07 20, ssk@digizuite.com

About Digizuite A/S
Digizuite is a SaaS company in Digital Asset Management software (DAM) that brings together all digital content in one central platform.
Through automated workflows and agile integrations, Digizuite removes manual workflows and streamlines the entire content value chain.
Customers choose Digizuite to have control over who, where and how corporate materials are used. It ensures fire control, risk reduction and helps to increase efficiency and revenue.Digizuite is a global growth company and has realized 600% growth in ARR between 2017 and 2020. Today, the company has more than 50 employees between its headquarters in Denmark and its subsidiaries in the United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, and Ukraine.

Download announcement as PDF.pdf

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