26.3.2021 10:16:28 CET | FOM Technologies |
Company Announcement
Company announcement no. 20 – 2021
Copenhagen, the 26th of March 2021
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced today a grant award of $2 million in funding for a U.S. based consortium consisting of FOM Technologies, TandemPV, Uni. of California – San Diego, Uni. of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and Hanwha Q-Cell solar. The scope of the project is to develop large-area Perovskite Tandem solar panels.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced today a grant award of $2 million in funding for a U.S. based consortium consisting of FOM Technologies, TandemPV, University of California – San Diego, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and Hanwha Q-Cell solar. FOM technologies are tasked with providing hardware and know-how to the consortium’s main activities at TandemPV, a UC Berkeley spin-off company in California as well as production equipment to Hanwha Q-cells in Irvine, California.
The project supported by the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) is a $4 million, 3-year project with the goal of developing industrial manufacturing processes of large area Perovskite tandem solar panels at Hanwha Q-cells’ US-based factories. Hanwha Q-cells is the World’s 6th largest PV manufacturer and no. 277 on Fortune Global 500.
FOM Technologies CEO Michael Stadi states: “It’s a 3-year project, so something that will be very interesting in the slightly longer run, in terms of the important climate research. We are very pleased with the immediate recognition of being invited to join such a strong consortium and that the U.S. state chooses to allocate the money and believes in the project.
This company announcement will not change 2021 financial guidance for turnover and EBITDA.
FOM Technologies udvalgt til at deltage i $ 2 mio., US Government – Department of Energy finansieret projekt.
Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 20 – 2021København d. 26. marts 2021
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) annoncerede i dag en tildeling på 2 millioner dollars i finansiering til et amerikansk baseret konsortium bestående af FOM Technologies, TandemPV, Uni. of California – San Diego, Uni. of North Carolina – Chapel Hill og Hanwha Q-Cell. Projektets formål er at udvikle store Perovskite Tandem solpaneler.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) annoncerede i dag en tildeling på 2 millioner dollars i finansiering til et USA-baseret konsortium bestående af FOM Technologies, TandemPV, University of Californien – San Diego, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill og Hanwha Q-Cell solar. FOM Technologies har til opgave at levere hardware og knowhow til konsortiets vigtigste aktiviteter i TandemPV, et UC Berkeley spin-off-selskab i Californien samt produktionsudstyr til Hanwha Q-Cell i Irvine, Californien.
Projektet støttet af Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) er et 3-årigt projekt, med det formål at udvikle industrielle fremstillingsprocesser af store Perovskite tandem solpaneler Hanwha Q-Cell’s amerikansk baserede fabrikker. Hanwha Q-Cell er verdens 6. største solcelleproducent og nr. 277 på Fortune Global 500.
FOM Technologies adm. dir. Michael Stadi udtaler: ”Det er et 3-års projekt, så noget der bliver virkelig interessant på den lidt længere bane i forhold til den vigtige klimaforskning, men at vi selvfølgelig utrolig begejstrede for at blive inviteret med i så stærkt et konsortium og at den amerikanske stat vælger at bevilge pengene og tror på projektet.”
Denne selskabsmeddelelse ændrer ikke tidligere udmeldt guidance for omsætning og EBITDA i 2021 regnskabsåret.
———-///———-CONTACT INFORMATION | KONTAKT INFORMATION:Company | Selskab:FOM Technologies A/SCEO Michael StadiTlf: +45 20 66 60 44E-mail: ms@fomtechnologies.comwww.fomtechnologies.comCertified Advisor | Certified Advisor:Norden CEF ApSJohn NordenTlf: +45 20 72 02 00E-mail: jn@nordencef.dkwww.nordencef.dkCommunication | Kommunikation:Gullev & Co. ApSBoris GullevTlf: +45 31 39 79 99E-mail: borisgullev@gmail.comwww.gullev.co
Michael Stadi, CEO, +45 20 66 60 44, ms@fomtechnologies.com
Download announcement as PDF.pdf
210326_20_CA_Tandem PV.pdf